Kris Abshire      Uncommon Elements/Esoteric Cloth
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Artist’s Statement

In following the path of creative experimentation, I continue to be influenced by elements of the natural world, whether observing the exquisite color of a delicate wildflower, silver moonlight in the winter woods, a brown frog in the forest duff, soft white gossamer mists rising from the river, the contours of distant mountains, or vast terrestrial vistas in their ever changing tapestry of seasonal colors. It is my fix. It underlies my being.

Over the years, through applied study and serendipitous discovery, I have continued to search for ways to express and share my feelings about these wondrous elements, of their importance and possible demise - elements upon which future survival of the remaining wildlife, indigenous peoples and, indeed, all of us depend.

Art, in all its forms, stands as the “non-written word" for meaningful conveyance of messages. I seek to add my voice as a reminder about those things which we so easily take for granted.

Everyday Inspirations

Alaska Winter Frost Alaska in Summer Downy Through the Window Early Winter Visitor Estuarial Summer Sitka Wild Rose Palmer Hay Flats - Reflections Lake Slough in the Spring Exquisite Winter
Fading Beauty Fascinating Bug in the Little Ferns on a Cloudy Day Glenn Highway Irises in Bloom on a Cloudy Day Jim Mud Lake Slough November Sunrise Wild Geranium King Mountain
Sheep Mountain in Autumn Northern Shrike Lewisia - Cloudy day macro point and shoot Palmer Hay Flats - Reflections Lake in Autumn Palmer Hay Flats - Reflections Lake Skaters Sandhills on the Bluff Winter Deep Frost Winter tide fog over Knik River